Mangs Review : Tokidoki

The unsuspecting Hato Iijima stumbles upon Hatsu Takagi undressed in the school infirmary. He hurriedly covers his eyes, but not before he sees a small medical device on her chest. She informs him later that it monitors her heartbeats. She’s one in a million people who suffers from “koku haku disease,” and she knows she’ll die when her heartbeats run out. As a result, she’s quiet in class and refrains from strenuous activity. Despite this, Hato becomes inspired to help Hatsu live her life to the fullest.

What I like best about the story is how Hato helps Hatsu enjoy what life she has left. In the beginning of the story, the readers know next to nothing about her except that she’s fairly reserved and is unfortunate to be diagnosed with the bizarre “koku haku disease.” However, as he takes her out to amusement parks, the beach, and tells her to try new foods, we get to see the real side of her. She’s a sweet girl who wants to know the world. After she tries these wonderful new things, her personality sparkles. Her reactions are greatly exaggerated as she’s so amazed at everything she’s trying, and she’s the most innocent high school student anyone could know.

At the same time, we easily see what a kind person Hato is. He has a lot of fun showing Hatsu around the town, but he’s also happy to be spending time with a new friend. It’s exciting to really get to know someone like this, especially since he thought she was just a shy girl who liked to keep to herself. I was initially thinking that maybe he was drawn to her in the beginning because she was pretty, but later on I changed my mind. Hato is a genuinely nice person and if he does like her romantically, it’s more than for her appearance.

Mention of part change passive/active voice

He has a lot of fun showing Hatsu around the town

Hatsu is being shown around the town (by Hato who has a lot of fun)

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